Video/Animation released at Revision 2011 by Gnumpf-Posse and Lübecks United Lamers Inc. 2304 LEDs, 96x24, ATMega644
Initially the idea was to create an innovative LED project with as much brightness as possible with an appealing design. So it started with 8 LEDs on a bread board with an ATMega32, a latch, a register, some transistors and resistors.
Shortly afterwards a small (1/6) prototype has been built out of poplar wood. It already had the following abilities:
- 7px text scroller
- display binary pictures of 16x24px
- fade-in, fade-out
- invert
Since poplar wood tends to bend if wet supporting material tests were performed with different acrylic glasses. It turned out that white acrylic glas (left) was stable enough and made the best visual impression. Aluminium rails as frame were chosen.
After a lot of soldering in the evening the bus system with 6 control boards and 1 motherboard, as well as 18 repeater units and a lot of flat band cable were created.
The last step, putting it all together took 14 hours with 10 people. Total costs
for the used materials was about 600 Euro.
The Photonenbanner was created with abilities to display and animate grafics and scrolltexts. To make it communicate with the world a public user interface was created
to upload user texts and grafics from the internet.
See what other people have pixeled or submitted on various events here.